One of the world's oldest scientific institutions is marking the start of its 350th year by putting 60 of its most memorable research papers online.
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Renewable Energy for the Sustainable Planet Earth: Ensuring the Rights of Future Generations
Monday, November 30, 2009
Cabinet set to meet in Everest.
Sunday, 29 November 2009 10:17
As a symbolic call to the world community to see the impact of climate change in the Himalayas, the government is all set to hold a cabinet meeting at the foothills of Mt Everest on December 4.
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As a symbolic call to the world community to see the impact of climate change in the Himalayas, the government is all set to hold a cabinet meeting at the foothills of Mt Everest on December 4.
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Sunday, November 29, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Monster Waves on the Sun are Real. NASA
November 24, 2009
Sometimes you really can believe your eyes. That's what NASA's STEREO (Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory) spacecraft are telling researchers about a controversial phenomenon on the sun known as the 'solar tsunami.'
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Sometimes you really can believe your eyes. That's what NASA's STEREO (Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory) spacecraft are telling researchers about a controversial phenomenon on the sun known as the 'solar tsunami.'
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Monday, November 23, 2009
India questions climate change impacts on the Himalayan Glaciers: Nepal Silent.
On 9 November, “Himalayan Glaciers: A State-of-Art Review of Glacial Studies, Glacial Retreat and Climate Change,” a report challenging climate change’s impact on glacier retreat, was published by India’s Ministry of Environment and Forests on its website.
Produced by G.B. Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment & Development, it was authored by V.K.Raina, the former Deputy Director General of Geological Survey of India. Since then, it has become the infamous Raina Report.
While the report has only been recently published, the ‘White Paper’ had been discussed as far back as August 16, when Indian news media quoted India’s Minister of Environment and Forests (MoEF) Jairam Ramesh as having said, “The Himalayan Glaciers are in trouble. The paper finds that some are retreating, but others seem to be advancing. However, there is no robust evidence to suggest that climate change is causing the retreat.”
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On 9 November, “Himalayan Glaciers: A State-of-Art Review of Glacial Studies, Glacial Retreat and Climate Change,” a report challenging climate change’s impact on glacier retreat, was published by India’s Ministry of Environment and Forests on its website.
Produced by G.B. Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment & Development, it was authored by V.K.Raina, the former Deputy Director General of Geological Survey of India. Since then, it has become the infamous Raina Report.
While the report has only been recently published, the ‘White Paper’ had been discussed as far back as August 16, when Indian news media quoted India’s Minister of Environment and Forests (MoEF) Jairam Ramesh as having said, “The Himalayan Glaciers are in trouble. The paper finds that some are retreating, but others seem to be advancing. However, there is no robust evidence to suggest that climate change is causing the retreat.”
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Welcome Essar's proposal.
The proposal presented by Essar Oil Limited, which has the second largest oil refinery in India, to the government of Nepal to induct it as an alternative fuel supplier for Nepal is encouraging. The government must welcome the company with open arms, because doing so will break the long-standing monopoly of Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) -- it being the sole supplier of fossil fuel to Nepal. It is true that IOC has been supporting Nepal through thick and thin, however, monopoly in any market comes at a price that may not always be in favor of the consumers. Hence, the government must end the monopoly by allowing another oil supplier to cater to the Nepali market.
Ending the monopoly of a supplier spurs competition among suppliers to supply goods at the lowest possible rates, ensuring better quality and consistency of supply. In the absence of competition, Nepali petroleum consumers have long suffered.
An overhaul of the nation’s fuel supply mechanism is also necessary if we consider the various high-level government-formed commissions formed in the past which pin-pointed that by importing crude oil Nepal can lower its import cost by 10 percent as opposed to directly purchasing refined oil from IOC.
However, we would like to stress that introduction of a new petroleum supplier alone will not straighten things out for Nepal. And this is where the issue of reforms in NOC and also the petroleum sector as a whole comes in.
While the government needs to act strongly to plug leakages at the corporation, it must also take steps to raise its level of competence level to handle international deals, local inventory management, distribution network and quality control. Enhancing its efficiency at all levels is a must. And this will not be a reality until and unless NOC is subjected to competition. The corporation’s past activities have long proven that the institution will not improve until and unless it is forced to do so. Unfortunately, a bill to end its monopoly by opening petroleum imports to the private sector has long gathered dust in the cabinet in the absence of leaders’ political will to end petty politicking on petroleum prices. This must change. The government should welcome the private sector. Likewise, the dual role that NOC is playing at present as an Oil Marketing Company (OMC) and sectoral regulatory authority should end. Its function should be confined to that of an OMC. And a separate independent, competent, well-equipped and autonomous Petroleum Authority must be set up to regulate the sector. Only will this pave way to ensure fair play in the market and protect the consumers and the country.
The proposal presented by Essar Oil Limited, which has the second largest oil refinery in India, to the government of Nepal to induct it as an alternative fuel supplier for Nepal is encouraging. The government must welcome the company with open arms, because doing so will break the long-standing monopoly of Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) -- it being the sole supplier of fossil fuel to Nepal. It is true that IOC has been supporting Nepal through thick and thin, however, monopoly in any market comes at a price that may not always be in favor of the consumers. Hence, the government must end the monopoly by allowing another oil supplier to cater to the Nepali market.
Ending the monopoly of a supplier spurs competition among suppliers to supply goods at the lowest possible rates, ensuring better quality and consistency of supply. In the absence of competition, Nepali petroleum consumers have long suffered.
An overhaul of the nation’s fuel supply mechanism is also necessary if we consider the various high-level government-formed commissions formed in the past which pin-pointed that by importing crude oil Nepal can lower its import cost by 10 percent as opposed to directly purchasing refined oil from IOC.
However, we would like to stress that introduction of a new petroleum supplier alone will not straighten things out for Nepal. And this is where the issue of reforms in NOC and also the petroleum sector as a whole comes in.
While the government needs to act strongly to plug leakages at the corporation, it must also take steps to raise its level of competence level to handle international deals, local inventory management, distribution network and quality control. Enhancing its efficiency at all levels is a must. And this will not be a reality until and unless NOC is subjected to competition. The corporation’s past activities have long proven that the institution will not improve until and unless it is forced to do so. Unfortunately, a bill to end its monopoly by opening petroleum imports to the private sector has long gathered dust in the cabinet in the absence of leaders’ political will to end petty politicking on petroleum prices. This must change. The government should welcome the private sector. Likewise, the dual role that NOC is playing at present as an Oil Marketing Company (OMC) and sectoral regulatory authority should end. Its function should be confined to that of an OMC. And a separate independent, competent, well-equipped and autonomous Petroleum Authority must be set up to regulate the sector. Only will this pave way to ensure fair play in the market and protect the consumers and the country.
Electro Tech 2009 to start soon.
Sunday, 22 November 2009 13:23
With an aim to contribute to energy saving, Nepal Electrical Association (NEA) is holding 'Philips Electro Tech 2009' from December 1 to 5.
With the theme "Save Energy - Protect Environment", the expo will showcase a number of products that consume less energy and will also be holding seminar on ways to save energy.
The five-day event will be held at Exhibition Hall, Bhrikutimandap, Kathmandu.
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With an aim to contribute to energy saving, Nepal Electrical Association (NEA) is holding 'Philips Electro Tech 2009' from December 1 to 5.
With the theme "Save Energy - Protect Environment", the expo will showcase a number of products that consume less energy and will also be holding seminar on ways to save energy.
The five-day event will be held at Exhibition Hall, Bhrikutimandap, Kathmandu.
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Sunday, November 22, 2009
Fossil fuel carbon dioxide emissions up by 29 percent since 2000.
ScienceDaily (Nov. 17, 2009) — The strongest evidence yet that the rise in atmospheric CO2 emissions continues to outstrip the ability of the world's natural 'sinks' to absorb carbon is published November 17 in the journal Nature Geoscience.
An international team of researchers under the umbrella of the Global Carbon Project reports that over the last 50 years the average fraction of global CO2 emissions that remained in the atmosphere each year was around 43 per cent -- the rest was absorbed by the Earth's carbon sinks on land and in the oceans. During this time this fraction has likely increased from 40 per cent to 45 per cent, suggesting a decrease in the efficiency of the natural sinks. The team brings evidence that the sinks are responding to climate change and variability.
The scientists report a 29 per cent increase in global CO2 emissions from fossil fuel between 2000 and 2008 (the latest year for which figures are available), and that in spite of the global economic downturn emissions increased by 2 per cent during 2008. The use of coal as a fuel has now surpassed oil and developing countries now emit more greenhouse gases than developed countries -- with a quarter of their growth in emissions accounted for by increased trade with the West.
Lead author Prof Corinne Le Quéré of the University of East Anglia (UEA) and the British Antarctic Survey said: "The only way to control climate change is through a drastic reduction in global CO2 emissions. The Earth's carbon sinks are complex and there are some gaps in our understanding, particularly in our ability to link human-induced CO2 emissions to atmospheric CO2 concentrations on a year-to-year basis. But, if we can reduce the uncertainty about the carbon sinks, our data could be used to verify the effectiveness of climate mitigations policies."
The main findings of the study include:
* CO2 emissions from the burning of fossil fuels increased by two per cent from 2007 to 2008, by 29 per cent between 2008 and 2000, and by 41 per cent between 2008 and 1990 -- the reference year of the Kyoto Protocol.
* CO2 emissions from the burning of fossil fuels have increased at an average annual rate of 3.4 per cent between 2000 and 2008, compared with one per cent per year in the 1990s.
* Emissions from land use change have remained almost constant since 2000, but now account for a significantly smaller proportion of total anthropogenic CO2 emissions (20 per cent in 2000 to 12 per cent in 2008).
* The fraction of total CO2 emissions remaining in the atmosphere has likely increased from 40 to 45 per cent since 1959, models suggests this is due to the response of the natural CO2 sinks to climate change and variability.
* Emissions from coal are now the dominant fossil fuel emission source, surpassing 40 years of oil emission prevalence.
* The financial crisis had a small but discernable impact on emissions growth in 2008 -- with a two per cent increase compared with an average 3.6 per cent over the previous seven years. On the basis of projected changes in GDP, emissions for 2009 are expected to fall to their 2007 levels, before increasing again in 2010.
* Emissions from emerging economies such as China and India have more than doubled since 1990 and developing countries now emit more greenhouse gases than developed countries.
* A quarter of the growth in CO2 emissions in developing countries can be accounted for by an increase in international trade of goods and services.
The researchers called for more work to be done to improve our understanding of the land and ocean CO2 sinks, so that global action to control climate change can be independently monitored. The sinks have a major influence on climate change and are important in understanding the link between anthropogenic CO2 emissions and atmospheric CO2 concentration. But so far scientists have not been able to calculate the CO2 uptake of the sinks with sufficient accuracy to explain all the annual changes in atmospheric CO2 concentration, which hinders the scientists' ability to monitor the effectiveness of CO2 mitigations policies.
An international team of researchers under the umbrella of the Global Carbon Project reports that over the last 50 years the average fraction of global CO2 emissions that remained in the atmosphere each year was around 43 per cent -- the rest was absorbed by the Earth's carbon sinks on land and in the oceans. During this time this fraction has likely increased from 40 per cent to 45 per cent, suggesting a decrease in the efficiency of the natural sinks. The team brings evidence that the sinks are responding to climate change and variability.
The scientists report a 29 per cent increase in global CO2 emissions from fossil fuel between 2000 and 2008 (the latest year for which figures are available), and that in spite of the global economic downturn emissions increased by 2 per cent during 2008. The use of coal as a fuel has now surpassed oil and developing countries now emit more greenhouse gases than developed countries -- with a quarter of their growth in emissions accounted for by increased trade with the West.
Lead author Prof Corinne Le Quéré of the University of East Anglia (UEA) and the British Antarctic Survey said: "The only way to control climate change is through a drastic reduction in global CO2 emissions. The Earth's carbon sinks are complex and there are some gaps in our understanding, particularly in our ability to link human-induced CO2 emissions to atmospheric CO2 concentrations on a year-to-year basis. But, if we can reduce the uncertainty about the carbon sinks, our data could be used to verify the effectiveness of climate mitigations policies."
The main findings of the study include:
* CO2 emissions from the burning of fossil fuels increased by two per cent from 2007 to 2008, by 29 per cent between 2008 and 2000, and by 41 per cent between 2008 and 1990 -- the reference year of the Kyoto Protocol.
* CO2 emissions from the burning of fossil fuels have increased at an average annual rate of 3.4 per cent between 2000 and 2008, compared with one per cent per year in the 1990s.
* Emissions from land use change have remained almost constant since 2000, but now account for a significantly smaller proportion of total anthropogenic CO2 emissions (20 per cent in 2000 to 12 per cent in 2008).
* The fraction of total CO2 emissions remaining in the atmosphere has likely increased from 40 to 45 per cent since 1959, models suggests this is due to the response of the natural CO2 sinks to climate change and variability.
* Emissions from coal are now the dominant fossil fuel emission source, surpassing 40 years of oil emission prevalence.
* The financial crisis had a small but discernable impact on emissions growth in 2008 -- with a two per cent increase compared with an average 3.6 per cent over the previous seven years. On the basis of projected changes in GDP, emissions for 2009 are expected to fall to their 2007 levels, before increasing again in 2010.
* Emissions from emerging economies such as China and India have more than doubled since 1990 and developing countries now emit more greenhouse gases than developed countries.
* A quarter of the growth in CO2 emissions in developing countries can be accounted for by an increase in international trade of goods and services.
The researchers called for more work to be done to improve our understanding of the land and ocean CO2 sinks, so that global action to control climate change can be independently monitored. The sinks have a major influence on climate change and are important in understanding the link between anthropogenic CO2 emissions and atmospheric CO2 concentration. But so far scientists have not been able to calculate the CO2 uptake of the sinks with sufficient accuracy to explain all the annual changes in atmospheric CO2 concentration, which hinders the scientists' ability to monitor the effectiveness of CO2 mitigations policies.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Bioethanol plant in Denmark inaugurated -
By Lisa Gibson
Posted November 19, 2009, at 1:25 p.m. CST
The Inbicon A/S bioethanol plant in Kalundborg, Denmark, will be prepared to distribute its first stock of fuel next year, with the capacity to produce 5.4 million liters (1.4 million gallons) annually.
The facility, one of the world’s first demonstration plants for second-generation bioethanol, was inaugurated Nov. 18.
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Posted November 19, 2009, at 1:25 p.m. CST
The Inbicon A/S bioethanol plant in Kalundborg, Denmark, will be prepared to distribute its first stock of fuel next year, with the capacity to produce 5.4 million liters (1.4 million gallons) annually.
The facility, one of the world’s first demonstration plants for second-generation bioethanol, was inaugurated Nov. 18.
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Friday, November 20, 2009
First test for record solar plane. BBC News
The prototype of a solar-powered plane destined for a record round-the-world journey has made its first trip across a runway.
On Thursday, the plane covered at least 2km at speeds of up to five knots on the landing strip in Switzerland.
This week saw the Solar Impulse plane outside its hangar for the first time, with tests of its motors and computer.
As wide as a jumbo jet but weighing just 1,500 kg, it will be piloted by Swiss adventurer Bertrand Piccard.
The plane's maiden flight is scheduled for February, and a final version will attempt to cross the Atlantic in 2012.
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Thursday, November 19, 2009
Earth 'heading for 6C' of warming. BBC News
By Richard Black
Environment correspondent, BBC News website
Average global temperatures are on course to rise by up to 6C without urgent action to curb CO2 emissions, the lead author of a new analysis says.
Emissions rose by 29% between 2000 and 2008, says the Global Carbon Project.
All of that growth came in developing countries, but a quarter of it came through production of goods for consumption in industrialised nations.
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Environment correspondent, BBC News website
Average global temperatures are on course to rise by up to 6C without urgent action to curb CO2 emissions, the lead author of a new analysis says.
Emissions rose by 29% between 2000 and 2008, says the Global Carbon Project.
All of that growth came in developing countries, but a quarter of it came through production of goods for consumption in industrialised nations.
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Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Everyone in Britain could be given a personal 'carbon allowance'.
Published: 7:00AM GMT 09 Nov 2009
Lord Smith of Finsbury believes that implementing individual carbon allowances for every person will be the most effective way of meeting the targets for cutting greenhouse gas emissions.
It would involve people being issued with a unique number which they would hand over when purchasing products that contribute to their carbon footprint, such as fuel, airline tickets and electricity.
Like with a bank account, a statement would be sent out each month to help people keep track of what they are using.
If their "carbon account" hits zero, they would have to pay to get more credits.
Those who are frugal with their carbon usage will be able to sell their unused credits and make a profit.
Lord Smith will call for the scheme to be part of a "Green New Deal" to be introduced within 20 years when he addresses the agency's annual conference on Monday.
An Environment Agency spokesman said only those with "extravagant lifestyles" would be affected by the carbon allowances.
He said: "A lot of people who cycle will get money back. It will probably only be bankers and those with extravagant lifestyles who would lose out."
However, some have criticised the move as "Orwellian" and say it will have a detrimental impact on business.
Ruth Lea, an economist from Arbuthnot Banking Group, told the Daily Mail: "This is all about control of the individual and you begin to wonder whether this is what the green agenda has always been about. It's Orwellian. This will be an enormous tax on business."
Under the Climate Change Act, Britain is obliged to cut its emissions by 80 per cent on 1990 levels by 2050. This means annual CO2 emissions per person will have to fall from about 9 tonnes to only 2 tonnes.
Lord Smith of Finsbury believes that implementing individual carbon allowances for every person will be the most effective way of meeting the targets for cutting greenhouse gas emissions.
It would involve people being issued with a unique number which they would hand over when purchasing products that contribute to their carbon footprint, such as fuel, airline tickets and electricity.
Like with a bank account, a statement would be sent out each month to help people keep track of what they are using.
If their "carbon account" hits zero, they would have to pay to get more credits.
Those who are frugal with their carbon usage will be able to sell their unused credits and make a profit.
Lord Smith will call for the scheme to be part of a "Green New Deal" to be introduced within 20 years when he addresses the agency's annual conference on Monday.
An Environment Agency spokesman said only those with "extravagant lifestyles" would be affected by the carbon allowances.
He said: "A lot of people who cycle will get money back. It will probably only be bankers and those with extravagant lifestyles who would lose out."
However, some have criticised the move as "Orwellian" and say it will have a detrimental impact on business.
Ruth Lea, an economist from Arbuthnot Banking Group, told the Daily Mail: "This is all about control of the individual and you begin to wonder whether this is what the green agenda has always been about. It's Orwellian. This will be an enormous tax on business."
Under the Climate Change Act, Britain is obliged to cut its emissions by 80 per cent on 1990 levels by 2050. This means annual CO2 emissions per person will have to fall from about 9 tonnes to only 2 tonnes.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Hydropower Less Than 700 MW In 98 Years! The Rising Nepal
Friday Supplement: 2009-11-06 21:51:43
Yogesh Pokharel
It has been about 100 years since the Chandra Jyoti Power House, the first power houses of Nepal, was installed in Pharping, Kathmandu in 1911. Built with the financial support of the British Government, the 500 Kw Chandra Jyoti Power House was also one of the oldest hydro power projects in Asia. Running for 70 years successfully, the historic power house was shut down in 1981 after the water used for the plant was diverted for drinking purpose. Even now, this plant can be restarted if the supply of water is made possible.
But, unfortunately in these 100 years less than 700MW of hydropower has been generated in the country. None of the government formed after the installation of the first hydropower station seriously thought about exploiting the water resources available in abundance in the country in a proper way.
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Yogesh Pokharel
It has been about 100 years since the Chandra Jyoti Power House, the first power houses of Nepal, was installed in Pharping, Kathmandu in 1911. Built with the financial support of the British Government, the 500 Kw Chandra Jyoti Power House was also one of the oldest hydro power projects in Asia. Running for 70 years successfully, the historic power house was shut down in 1981 after the water used for the plant was diverted for drinking purpose. Even now, this plant can be restarted if the supply of water is made possible.
But, unfortunately in these 100 years less than 700MW of hydropower has been generated in the country. None of the government formed after the installation of the first hydropower station seriously thought about exploiting the water resources available in abundance in the country in a proper way.
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Jomsom under climate change threat.
RAXAUL, Nov 15: People in the remote district of Mustang have been experiencing the worst nightmares in terms of the effects of climate change in their livelihoods and economy. This year, the Jomsom valley saw no snowfall in the town area and no rainfall at all. The maximum temperature rose to 27 degree Celsius in comparison to 24 degrees last year. Similarly, the minimum temperature was recorded at 13 degrees, whereas in previous years, the temperature usually dipped to less than minus four degrees. The temperature fluctuation has also had an adverse effect on the snow fall pattern.
Alarmingly, the snow-line has gradually been moving up to an altitude of 5,000 meters, thereby leaving mountain rocks bare. Since snow is melting fast, tree lines are moving up as well.
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RAXAUL, Nov 15: People in the remote district of Mustang have been experiencing the worst nightmares in terms of the effects of climate change in their livelihoods and economy. This year, the Jomsom valley saw no snowfall in the town area and no rainfall at all. The maximum temperature rose to 27 degree Celsius in comparison to 24 degrees last year. Similarly, the minimum temperature was recorded at 13 degrees, whereas in previous years, the temperature usually dipped to less than minus four degrees. The temperature fluctuation has also had an adverse effect on the snow fall pattern.
Alarmingly, the snow-line has gradually been moving up to an altitude of 5,000 meters, thereby leaving mountain rocks bare. Since snow is melting fast, tree lines are moving up as well.
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Job creation major agenda in next 3-year plan. MYREPUBLICA.COM
KATHMANDU, Nov 15:National Planning Commission (NPC), the apex government body that deals with national development, will take employment generation as one of its major objectives in the coming three year plan. High-ranking officials of NPC told that the next three year plan, which will go into implementation from coming fiscal year, will focus on creating 450,000 employment opportunities each year to deal with the worsening employment situation of the country.
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KATHMANDU, Nov 15:National Planning Commission (NPC), the apex government body that deals with national development, will take employment generation as one of its major objectives in the coming three year plan. High-ranking officials of NPC told that the next three year plan, which will go into implementation from coming fiscal year, will focus on creating 450,000 employment opportunities each year to deal with the worsening employment situation of the country.
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Sunday, November 15, 2009
Antarctica Glacier Retreat Creates New Carbon Dioxide Store; Has Beneficial Impact On Climate Change.

Reporting recently in the journal Global Change Biology, scientists from British Antarctic Survey (BAS) estimate that this new natural 'sink' is taking an estimated 3.5 million tonnes* of carbon from the ocean and atmosphere each year.
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Fuel crisis deepens in eastern region.
BIRATNAGAR, Nov 14: Petroleum crisis has deepened in the eastern region as all refilling stations in the region have remained closed from the last four days due to the strike called by the workers affiliated with Unified CPN (Maoist). The number of vehicles plying on the road has gone down sharply and the talks meditated by the Nepal Oil Corporation (NOC) and local administration to end the strike have failed repeatedly.
All Nepal Petroleum Workers Union enforced closure of 450 dealers operating in the region, demanding the dealers to permanently appoint workers who have worked for 240 days.Transporters said the strike has affected their business badly. “Fuel we had on stock too has dried up. Now no passenger buses will ply on the road,” an official of Koshi Zonal Bus Entrepreneurs Association (KZBEA) told“Due to fuel shortage, 75 percent of vehicles are already stranding in garage.”
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BIRATNAGAR, Nov 14: Petroleum crisis has deepened in the eastern region as all refilling stations in the region have remained closed from the last four days due to the strike called by the workers affiliated with Unified CPN (Maoist). The number of vehicles plying on the road has gone down sharply and the talks meditated by the Nepal Oil Corporation (NOC) and local administration to end the strike have failed repeatedly.
All Nepal Petroleum Workers Union enforced closure of 450 dealers operating in the region, demanding the dealers to permanently appoint workers who have worked for 240 days.Transporters said the strike has affected their business badly. “Fuel we had on stock too has dried up. Now no passenger buses will ply on the road,” an official of Koshi Zonal Bus Entrepreneurs Association (KZBEA) told“Due to fuel shortage, 75 percent of vehicles are already stranding in garage.”
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UK announces $80 m to Nepal for tackling climate change.
Friday, 13 November 2009
The United Kingdom has announced $80 million (£50 million) to Nepal to tackle climate change and improve lives of poor people.The Department for International Development (DFID) of UK will be spending the amount over the next 10 years.UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown today said, "Countries right across the world need to take urgent and radical action to tackle climate change. The poorest and most vulnerable countries need our help to do so.""That is why we are announcing today a £50m ($80m) package of support to work with Nepal to tackle climate change and deforestation," he added.
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The United Kingdom has announced $80 million (£50 million) to Nepal to tackle climate change and improve lives of poor people.The Department for International Development (DFID) of UK will be spending the amount over the next 10 years.UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown today said, "Countries right across the world need to take urgent and radical action to tackle climate change. The poorest and most vulnerable countries need our help to do so.""That is why we are announcing today a £50m ($80m) package of support to work with Nepal to tackle climate change and deforestation," he added.
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Saturday, November 14, 2009
DOE to accelerate algae-based biofuel development -
By Anna Austin
Posted November 11, 2009, at 12:56 p.m. CST
Valerie Reed of the U.S. DOE’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy talked about the direction the DOE is taking to accelerate the development of algae-based biofuels at the Pacific Rim Summit on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioenergy held this week in Honolulu, Hawaii. She said the agency intends to develop advanced biofuels—hydrocarbons and other high-density fuels that can be drop in replacements for diesel and gasoline—in a more accelerated fashion than cellulosic ethanol.
“We learned a lot over the past 20 years, and we believe we can apply that to a faster deployment phase,” Reed said, adding that biomass-based liquid transportation fuels are going to be the only adequate displacements for jet fuel. “This is now becoming a priority fuel we need to consider, and that’s why we’re moving into the advanced biofuels arena,” she said.
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Posted November 11, 2009, at 12:56 p.m. CST
Valerie Reed of the U.S. DOE’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy talked about the direction the DOE is taking to accelerate the development of algae-based biofuels at the Pacific Rim Summit on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioenergy held this week in Honolulu, Hawaii. She said the agency intends to develop advanced biofuels—hydrocarbons and other high-density fuels that can be drop in replacements for diesel and gasoline—in a more accelerated fashion than cellulosic ethanol.
“We learned a lot over the past 20 years, and we believe we can apply that to a faster deployment phase,” Reed said, adding that biomass-based liquid transportation fuels are going to be the only adequate displacements for jet fuel. “This is now becoming a priority fuel we need to consider, and that’s why we’re moving into the advanced biofuels arena,” she said.
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Thursday, November 12, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Genomes Of Biofuel Yeasts Reveal Clues That Could Boost Fuel Ethanol Production Worldwide.
Bioethanol is produced from the fermentation of plant material, such as sugar cane and corn, by the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, just as in the production of alcoholic beverages. However, yeast strains thriving in the harsh conditions of industrial fuel ethanol production are much more hardy than their beer brewing counterparts, and surprisingly little is known about how these yeast adapted to the industrial environment. If researchers can identify the genetic changes that underlie this adaptation, new yeast strains could be engineered to help shift bioethanol production into high gear across the globe.
Two studies published in Genome Research have taken a major step toward this goal, identifying genomic properties of industrial fuel yeasts that likely gave rise to more robust strains. In one of the studies, researcher Lucas Argueso and colleagues from Duke University and Brazil have sequenced and analyzed the structure of the entire genome of strain PE-2, a prominent industrial strain in Brazil. The group's work revealed that portions of the genome are plastic compared to other yeast strains, specifically the peripheral regions of chromosomes, where they observed a number of sequence rearrangements.
Interestingly, these chromosomal rearrangements in PE-2 amplified genes involved in stress tolerance, which likely contributed to the adaptation of this strain to the industrial environment. As PE-2 is amenable to genetic engineering, the authors believe that their work on PE-2 will open the door to development of new technologies to boost bioethanol production.
In a second study published in Genome Research, researchers from Stanford University and Brazil led by Boris Stambuk and Gavin Sherlock have also analyzed the genome structure of industrial bioethanol yeasts, searching for variations in the number of gene copies in five strains employed in Brazil, including PE-2. Stambuk and colleagues found that all five industrial strains studied harbor amplifications of genes involved in the synthesis of vitamins B6 and B1 -- compounds critical for efficient growth and utilization of sugar.
The group experimentally demonstrated that the gene amplifications confer robust growth in industrial conditions, indicating that these yeasts likely adapted to limited availability of vitamins in the industrial process to gain a competitive advantage. Furthermore, the authors suggest that this knowledge can be utilized to engineer new strains of yeast capable of even more efficient bioethanol production, from a wider range of agricultural stocks.
It is evident that an expanding human population will require more energy that exerts less impact on the environment, and the information gained from these genomic studies of industrial bioethanol yeasts will be invaluable as biofuel researchers optimize production and implement the technology worldwide.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
NEA to give NT 10% in Upper Tamakoshi- PM briefed on 3 hydro projects.
KATHMANDU, Nov 7: After a month-long disagreement over equity participation, Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) has finally agreed to provide 10 percent equity shares to Nepal Telecom (NT) in the 456-MW Upper Tamakoshi hydroelectric project. The decision to this effect was taken at a meeting organized to brief Prime Minister Madhav Kumar Nepal on the project at Singha Durbar on Friday.
During the briefing, the PM directed NEA to work toward the financial closure of the project. According to the sources present in the meeting, NEA had to give in to NT´s demand as Minister for Information and Communications Shankar Pokharel had directed NT not to invest in the project unless equity shares worth the investment were provided to it. He had cited poor management and over-politicization of NEA as reasons behind such a stand.
“NEA is willing to award up to 10 percent equity participation to Telecom as per its stance,” an NEA official told, adding, “The formal decision to this effect will be taken soon.”
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Climate Change: The Melting Himalayas
An interesting Scientific American video from Bhutan
in the following link...
An interesting Scientific American video from Bhutan
in the following link...
Friday, November 6, 2009
छतछतबाट घामको बिजुली: नागरिक
विश्वमणि पोखरेल
काठमाडौं, कात्तिक २०- उपत्यकाका घरधनीले छानाबाट बिजुली उत्पादन गर्न सक्छन्, विद्युत प्राधिकरणलाई बेच्न पनि सक्छन्। त्यसले हिउँदको चर्को लोडशेडिङ केही कम गर्न पनि सक्छ। प्रशस्त घाम लाग्ने यहाँका छतबाट सोलार प्यानलले के व्यवसायिक रूपमा बिजुली उत्पादन गर्न सक्लान्? सौर्य उर्जाविद् भने सम्पन्न घरबालालाई बिजुली उत्पादक बनाउने अवधारणामा सरकारसँग लविङ्ग गर्दैछन्।
पूरा पढ्नुहोस
Thursday, November 5, 2009
First Hydrogen Power Plant in Italy. AlternativeEnergy
Italy has come up with world’s first hydrogen power plant. This power plant is situated in Fusina, near Venice in the Veneto region of Italy. Enel is constructing this power plant producing no undesirable greenhouse gases. It is Italy’s largest power company with a track record of fifty million power and gas customers. Enel is procuring hydrogen from an accompanying production from Polimeri Europa’s petrochemical plant. This hydrogen will be brought to the establishment by especially built pipelines. Polimeri produces a wide range of petrochemical products, and its ethylene-cracking process will be responsible for the hydrogen feedstock. This hydrogen power plant will be operational in 2010. It will provide power to 20,000 households.
This hydrogen power plant is an off shoot of the Environment and Innovation Project known as Hydrogen Park. 7.4 billion euros will be assigned for the whole project by 2012. Another 40 million euro plant will be established on the line of Enel’s existing coal-fired power station in Fusina. It will have an investment of 4 million euros from the local Veneto region. According to Enel this power plant will save the emission of more than 17,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide a year. This power plant has a capacity of 12 MW and burns hydrogen gas in a turbine developed in partnership with General Electric.
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First Solar Powered Passenger Ship for Berlin. AlternativeEnergy
Solon SE also supplied the 24 solar modules with a capacity of 5.6 kWp.
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Dirt-Powered Bacteria Batteries. AlternativeEnergy
October 21st, 2009:
Bacteria are one of the most abundant organisms on the planet and also one of the most studied. Today, scientists use bacteria for genetics research, antibiotics, and yes! Even biofuels. Recent technological advances have made a battery running on bacteria a reality. Known as microbial fuels cells or MFCs, batteries running on bacteria and other microbes have been keenly researched by scientist for decades.
How bacteria powered batteries work
Contrary to popular belief, bacteria do not directly produce electricity in a MFC. Bacteria powered batteries use the chemical energy generated by bacteria, and convert it into electrical energy using a relatively simple mechanism. Like most batteries, a bacteria powered battery has an anode (the negative end) and a cathode (the positive end). In addition to the anode and cathode, a bacteria powered battery also has a membrane capable of filtering electrons (anions) and protons (cations) produced during the chemical breakdown of substances by bacteria.
Once the bacterial breakdown starts producing ions, the anions are transferred from the cathode compartment via an external circuit and the protons are sent to the cathode from the anode. In a nutshell, the chemical energy generated by bacterial activity is converted to electrical energy.
Unfortunately, not all bacteria are electrochemically active and require a substance known as a ‘mediator’ to facilitate the flow of ions. Substances like thionine, methyl viologen, methyl blue, humic acid and neutral red were used as mediators but their toxicity was a major concern for scientists. A few years back scientists engineered electrochemically active bacteria, and the science of bacteria powered batteries took a huge leap forward. Mediator less MFCs can run on everything from waste water to a simple saline solution and are truly environment friendly batteries.
Recent developments
Harvard scientists working under the Lebone banner have created a bacteria powered battery that uses bacteria found in African soil. What is truly remarkable about the MFC created by Lebone is that the battery uses a layer of sand as the ionic membrane, mud with manure as the bacterial substrate, and a graphite cloth as the anode.
Like most eco-friendly and renewable solutions, the MFC created by Harvard scientists uses substances readily available throughout Africa and is expected to provide electricity in remote parts of Africa. In fact, the only non-biodegradable substance used in the bacteria powered battery created by Lebone scientists is probably the 5 pound plastic bucket used to case the battery. Although the amount of energy produced by the bacteria powered battery is far from amazing, it can produce enough power to run a few LED lights and small electronics.
The future of bacteria powered batteries
Organizations like Lebone are one of the many organizations that are investing time and money in creating truly eco-friendly renewable energy options. The quest for a truly eco-friendly energy source may not have ended with bacteria powered batteries, but MFCs are a step forward in the right direction. With regular batteries clogging waste grounds the world over, recyclable energy sources like bacteria powered batteries are necessity.
Osmotic Power Plant Set To Open. AlternativeEnergy
November 4th, 2009:
With the big push on alternative energy sources, world leaders everywhere are pushing for new power technology to create power plants that will use different resources to keep the earth greener. Her Royal Highness, The Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway has just made a huge step as a leader in this movement as she has announced the opening of the world’s first osmotic power plant, due to begin operations on November 24, 2009.
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Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Indian Oil becomes fifth oil major, first NOC, to join algal fuels race; signs with PetroAlgae.
In India, Indian Oil Company became the fifth oil major and first national oil company (NOC) to decisively enter the algal fuel race, signing a MOU to enter into an agreement with PetroAlgae to license micro-crop technology for the large-scale production of renewable fuels.
The announcement is also the first between an oil major and an algal fuel developer expressly aimed along a commercialization path. Previous tie-ups have featured early-stage investment and R&D partnership.
In a statement, Indian Oil Company said that the two companies will initially partner on adapting the algal strains and technology developed by PetroAlgae to suit Indian conditions. Thereafter, a pilot facility is proposed to demonstrate the commercial viability of the technology, with a 60 Mgy commercial production facility proposed for the the near future, along with a high-value protein that can be used as feedstock for animal feed production.
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The announcement is also the first between an oil major and an algal fuel developer expressly aimed along a commercialization path. Previous tie-ups have featured early-stage investment and R&D partnership.
In a statement, Indian Oil Company said that the two companies will initially partner on adapting the algal strains and technology developed by PetroAlgae to suit Indian conditions. Thereafter, a pilot facility is proposed to demonstrate the commercial viability of the technology, with a 60 Mgy commercial production facility proposed for the the near future, along with a high-value protein that can be used as feedstock for animal feed production.
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Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Species' extinction threat grows. BBC News
Out of the 47,677 species in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, 17,291 were deemed to be at serious risk.
These included 21% of all known mammals, 30% of amphibians, 70% of plants and 35% of invertebrates.
ग्याँस टेम्पो नहटाउन आदेश: नागरिक
काठमाडौं, कात्तिक १७ - सर्वोच्च अदालतले उपत्यकाबाट तीन पाङ्ग्रे ग्याँस टेम्पो विस्थापन गर्ने निर्णय तत्काल कार्यान्वयन नगर्न श्रम तथा यातायात व्यवस्था मन्त्रालयलाई आदेश दिएको छ।
न्यायाधीश ताहिरअली अन्सारीको एकल इजलासले मन्त्रालयको निर्णय तत्काल लागु नगर्न मंगलबार अन्तरिम आदेश दिएको हो। इजलासले अन्तरिम आदेश निरन्तर हुने नहुने बारे कात्तिक २२ गते छलफल गर्ने पनि जनाएको छ। उपत्यकाबाट तीन पाङ्ग्रे ग्याँस टेम्पो विस्थापित गरी त्यसको सट्टा १४ देखि १६ सिट क्षमताका चार पाङ्ग्रे सवारी ल्याउन इजाजत दिने भनी मन्त्रालयले गत भदौ २४ मा निर्णय गरेको थियो। मन्त्रालयको उक्त निर्णय गैरसंवैधानिक भएकाले तत्काल कार्यान्वयन रोक्न स्वरोजगार यातायात व्यवसायी संघका अध्यक्ष रामकुमार भ्लोनले रिट दिएका थिए।
पूरा पढ्नुहोस
न्यायाधीश ताहिरअली अन्सारीको एकल इजलासले मन्त्रालयको निर्णय तत्काल लागु नगर्न मंगलबार अन्तरिम आदेश दिएको हो। इजलासले अन्तरिम आदेश निरन्तर हुने नहुने बारे कात्तिक २२ गते छलफल गर्ने पनि जनाएको छ। उपत्यकाबाट तीन पाङ्ग्रे ग्याँस टेम्पो विस्थापित गरी त्यसको सट्टा १४ देखि १६ सिट क्षमताका चार पाङ्ग्रे सवारी ल्याउन इजाजत दिने भनी मन्त्रालयले गत भदौ २४ मा निर्णय गरेको थियो। मन्त्रालयको उक्त निर्णय गैरसंवैधानिक भएकाले तत्काल कार्यान्वयन रोक्न स्वरोजगार यातायात व्यवसायी संघका अध्यक्ष रामकुमार भ्लोनले रिट दिएका थिए।
पूरा पढ्नुहोस
Lonely Planet names top 10 destinations for 2010. BRISBANE TIMES

Lonely Planet has picked the brains of its authors, staff and travellers and come up with the top 10 countries to visit in 2010:
भ्रमण गर्नैपर्ने देशको सूचिमा नेपाल: नागरिक

लोन्ली प्लानेटको यो सूचीमा एसियाबाट नेपालसँगै मलेसिया पनि परेको छ। 'यो गन्तव्यहरूको संग्रह र अनुभवको संगालो हो,' प्लानेटका एसिया प्रशान्त सञ्चार प्रबन्धक एडम बेनेटले भने, 'यी गन्तव्यले तपाईंलाई परिवारबाट धेरै टाढा लैजान्छन्। त्यहाँका भौगोलिक, साँस्कृतिक, प्राकृतिक र त्योभन्दा पनि बढी तपाईंले आफ्नो ट्राभल ब्यागमा पाउन सक्नुहुन्छ।'
यो सूचीमा परेका अन्य देशमा न्युजिल्यान्ड, एल साल्भाडोर, जर्मनी, ग्रिस, मोरक्को, पोर्चुगल, सुरिनाम र अमेरिका परेका छन्।
पूरा पढ्नुहोस
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